Kindness & Gratitude Is Free

Often we say be kind to each other or one another, when really we need to learn how to be kind towards ourselves, before we are able to master kindness towards other people. This can be an overwhelming challenge within its self. Especially with how you where treated, while you where growing up. Because life does not give you a manual on how to be kind towards others, it’s something that must be taught and learned by ourselves and what we see in and around civilisation and society. We teach us what we value as kindness and gratitude and what we see as unkindness.

Life can be hard and often we are surrounded by the media and nine times out of ten, we poker face, who we really are so that other individuals in the world can see us as inspiring or empowering, learning how to be yourself is a bold and confident move, that only a few of us have learnt to master. But once you learn how to be confident, bold and stand in your own space and own it. You will see how natural you develop as an individual and professional in your craft.

Kindness and gratitude πŸ™πŸΎ is free and remember how I treat you is a reflection of my, how you treat me is a reflection of yourself.

May your reflection show your greater power always - Continue to help save the planet earth.

Savia Rocks πŸ’œ

Savia Rocks

Savia Rocks - Professional Photographer -

The Music Industry


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