Be An Activist
Imagine you are the reason people stood up, stood out, to speak out. Your identity rays the sunlight and energy of its freedom and liberation. Our souls are the constant burden of liberty, but our hearts are the power of liberation, connected together but separated by societies power, to create conflict between nations, so that we stand apart rather than together.
Now imagine if you where an activist for a voice, that repeatedly represents the voices that live in fear, to protect the bullied, the suppressed, the judged, the abused, the un-ignor-ant and o-pen minded, that just needs guidance, on how to use the energy of light that they have been gifted with, to prosperity so that they can be a voice of guidance too..
“We all have a voice of power in us, but what makes us stand out, is how we use it”.
Remember you have not been given your birth righteousness to be on this planet by accident. You are meant to be here it’s your hereditary.
We all walk a path, regardless if it is the yellow brick road, a graceful barefoot track across a concrete landscape, a wooden lake-side rocky bridge or even an angelic walk in the desert darkness.
There is no perfect pathway, the beautiful thing about life is seeing the imperfections in people, places and things as a perfection.
We all see and feel things differently.
Remember you are not perfect, and as hard as that can be for some people, to hear it, it’s the truth and would you want to be perfect.
What is “perfect anyway” but what will make you evolve is looking at the reflection of another persons life who’s is completely different to yours with the compassion to be an activist for change.
Be an activist and fight for what is meaningful and right to you. Only then will change bring prosperity in everyone’s life.
Continue to be kind to be another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth.
Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜