Children Are The Future But..

Children are the future but, what we teach our children has a detrimental effect on their generation, and the generation after them. Not all of us where brought up from a stable home environment, and I’m a prime example of sometimes feeling that I don’t even fit into my family because I’m so different, but each and every family has its problems and issues that on the surface nobody will be able to see, but as we get to know each family a bit better, we start to see those problems surface slowly. Now even though we’ve been brought up in a family that we feel so different from, it doesn’t mean that we become like them, that’s where the choice of who we want to become in our life plays the biggest part. Our mindset is a powerful tool, which we should always nurture, and regardless of our circumstances, our mindset has the power and potential to make us become anything we want and desire.

Each genration learns from the next, so what we teach and the habits we hold on to, will play a huge part on how it effects people who we are around and impact. Remember words have power and you don’t have to be a parent to have an effect on the younger generation. Some people seem to think that you have to be a parent, in order to have love, compassion and see the potential for a child to take advice from you and be inspired, well that is simply not true, you can just be a human being who is an inspirational person, who has a personality, that shines and children and the youth will listen (of course with challenges) because every child has a different perspective and circumstance, but because of the impact that you have on yourself and on the world around you, they will feel that energy and want to learn from you.

We just have to remind them not to look at another persons success, and every individuals success takes time, to work hard but to work “SMART” and to never give up on what you believe in, especially if it’s going to take you to a better place.

Never give up and never let your current circumstances predict your future.

Keeps Saving the Planet Earth & As Always, Please Continue to Be Kind to One Another.

Savia Rocks 💜🌟👏

Savia Rocks

Savia Rocks - Professional Photographer -

The Power & Connection Of Music


Imagine If You Were The Reason