Laughter Can Heal Your Soul
Laughter Can Heal Your Soul
Laughter can heal your soul without you, even realising. Have you ever noticed how a comedian talks about real-life matters, real-life, subjects, even politics, that are potently truthful, and sometimes even talks about things that he or she would hide but uses their audience, like a free therapist to expose and express their feelings?
I feel like being a comedian is like having free therapy just in front of an audience that is paying you. With the audience reaping the rewards of laughter.
Laughter is a beautiful chemical reaction within us, but have you ever noticed that when you laugh, your mind goes completely blank for that second, because the only thing that you are thinking about within the moment is the laughter that is making you happy?
Laughter is therapy, laughter produces positive emotions, laughter, exits, negativity. Laughter is a distinguish emotion within all of us that we should use and share more often. Laughter is magnificently contagious. Have you ever had a person smile at you, then automatically you smile back? Laughter is also a beautiful way to relieve pain within us that we harbour in our lives every day. It Combats depression and anxiety but on the funny side. Laughter can helps you tone your abs.
But more importantly, produces a general sense of well-being for yourself and makes you understand that life doesn’t need to be a serious as we will take it every day.
Sometimes we use laughter as a shield to protect us from the mishaps that happen in life, but I would like to think that laughter is used to bring us together.
They say that laughter is a wine for this, so then I must be abundantly drunk on every day. For realising how much of a gift, it is and how it helps you heal.
It’s funny there are times in your life when you feel like you don’t have the power to achieve what you wanted to achieve, but something stands out and makes you laugh, but also makes you realise that whatever you’re going through there is light at the end of the tunnel, and everything happens for a reason, so find the laughter and continue your journey of greatness.
There’s always a reward waiting for you and sometimes just because we don’t have the power to achieve what we wanted to, we feel disheartened, when really what is meant for us can be greater than what we needed or wanted in the first place.. and when we achieve it or receive it, we laugh, because only than we realise that there was always something greater.
Laughter is love and love is laughter, use your laughter to give love and use your love to give laughter.
Continue to be kind to one another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth.
Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜