Unexpected Changes of Truth
Imagine a world where kindness comes with secret tags, where people smile at you like the sun on a clear day, only because they want something in return. This is a story we know too well. It starts with a warm greeting, a helpful hand, all until you say no. And like a switch flipped, their warmth cools into the chill of indifference. Their true wish - not for your happiness, but for what you can give them - glares out, as bright and harsh as a spotlight.
Remember this: when someone's mood towards you turns like the weather, it's not about you. It's their inner storm that’s brewing, not yours. Their sudden change is like a mirror, reflecting parts of them they might not even see. Your job isn't to hold that mirror up or fix the reflection. It’s to know you're whole, just as you are, without their approval or gifts.
Don't get lost in comparing your journey to others, either. Your path is yours alone, with its own set of milestones. What’s right for someone else, the way they climb their mountains, might not fit your boots or your morals. Celebrate your own victories, no matter how small they might seem.
And trust in time. It's the great storyteller that doesn't rush the plot. It heals old wounds and unveils truths, even those we didn't see coming. With every tick, it writes our story, adding lines of wisdom and understanding. Life will surprise you, twist the tale, but in the end, we stand with our own chapters of truth to share, a testament to the journey we've each traveled.
Now that is the unexpected change of truth in our lives.
Continue To Be Kind To One Another & Keep Saving The Planet Earth - Savia Rocks 💜✨🥰🍀🌎