Valuable Moments In Life

Your most valuable moment of life! what is it? And how does it define your whole existence on this planet?

If your life was to be defined in one moment, what would it be? would that scare you, would that make you stand up and take action to go for what you want in life, would that make you sit back and think that everything that you want in your life would come to you.

Some people wait for things to come to them, and some people go for what they want no matter the circumstances or who might try to standing there way, this take strength, motivation, and an abundance of resilience.

{Which on any given day can be a challenge}.

Now I have only defined two completely different types of people. There are many more, But which one are you? See all of us have different motives, perspective, angle, frequency, rising energies and analyse life in so many different ways, our minds are constantly acting like advanced machines, with thoughts, attached to emotions that process and manifest into reality.

This could sound like deep conversation with oneself, but we can have so many different answers, that means and connects to us. For example, Let’s talk about being definitively simple within our thoughts.

Have you ever noticed how humans, can make things so complicated, when life can actually be consistently simple.

Our thought process is captivating and amazing. It’s like asking yourself what is the sole source of human thinking, Our Brain processes over 6000 thoughts a day, but which ones are worth keeping, and which thoughts should we make deceptively simple.

If you could only understand how powerful your thoughts are, I guarantee you, your process would change, to understand, life and how uncomplicated things could, can or should be. Some people say your consciousness is mostly an illusion but no one can tell you that apart from you because it’s your mind. Why are we as humans so self-aware, why do we care so much about what people think about us.

I cannot completely tell you the answer myself. But from my experience, our thoughts are always saying that we want to be accepted, but the real acceptance is accepting OURSELVES.

Make your thoughts simple and do not allow your thoughts to cloud your judgement of knowing what you could have or need and how to receive it, could be more simple than you even anticipated.

Continue to be kind to one another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth.

Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜 💜

Savia Rocks

Savia Rocks - Professional Photographer -

Pen Of Mass Destruction

