We all Need Help Sometimes

There are times in our life were Taunton of our past comes back to reveal itself, us being oblivious And A majority of the time unaware that it has come back. Our past can be triggered by a smell, touch, view, song, picture & memory from what has always been within us, or has been in our subconscious.

A lot of the time we do not ask for help, because asking for help shows vulnerability, to some people using your vulnerability or showing your vulnerability means loss of strength. Judgement from other people but more than anything else the biggest judgement is to judge ourselves.

Also the one thing that I constantly think of, and say to people, is never just ask for help, when you need it and never speak to them again, until you need another favour, or are in another situation, I think this creates an even bigger issue and problem and unbalance in the world, when we only using peoples energy for when we need them, rather than asking people how they are, and simply just checking in from time to time. To show people the value of what they are worth.

It takes a strong person to admit that they have a problem, it takes a strong person to admit that they have trauma, it takes a strong person to understand what forgiveness is, it takes a strong person to know that they need help, as humans we don’t always see the signs that somebody needs help, and the next step for somebody not getting help can be tragic and detrimental to all o f us.

They say the happiest people with the happiest faces bare the most pain and hide the most torture. Show the most strength and laugh the loudest , give the best energy and find the best peace. But most of all give the most kindness and show the most love.

We will all need help, in our lives, not just at one point, but at many points in our life, because life is beautiful, but forever changing, in the circumstances and in the choices, that we decide to make for ourselves. I do not always believe, that there is a wrong and a right, because in some circumstances things are not always black and white there are lines that are grey and even radiant lines that can become ambitiously colourful.

There is a saying that says Sometimes you should “read between the lines ”. But sometimes people have such a beautiful way of hiding the imperfection of there lines, so that you cannot see through them in front of them, behind them to justify how a person feels.

Remember that “ YOU ” have gone through things in your life for a reason, and purpose, sometimes even though your life has been so tragic you have opened up those doors in such a magnificent way, that helps people to have an easier path, in not be subjected to pain, that can take an everlasting lifetime to heal from.

Always remember that you, have power and asking for help, is actually a strength, and definitely not as a weakness, you are strong continue to be strong and forever love strong no matter your situation or circumstances there are people out there who will be willing to listen to you and hear your story.

{Your story and emotions are never to late to be told}

“You are good enough for this world and in this world”.

Continue to speak out, ask for help and be present in the world, because without your presents there would not be a world to exist as beautifully as it does.

Continue to be kind to one another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth. Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜

Savia Rocks

Savia Rocks - Professional Photographer - www.savia.rocks


The Power of People


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