What Do You Do When Times Are Tough?
When times become tough what do you actually do? do you sit around and do nothing, because you feel it’s the best Solution, or are you a person that takes action. Do you contemplate before actually making a decision, because you’re always thinking of the consequences that may occur. Love & Energy is an untamed force, especially when we try to control it. It survives through the worst situations yet overwhelmingly thrives in unexpected circumstances.
Energy is such an important factor in this world and in our lives, and how you carry it says a lot about who you are, and how you feed from the multiple energies of the world. This might be hard to believe, but energy is in absolutely everything. The imperfections of life, the opportunity we miss, the goals we achieve, the happiness we feel, the sadness we learn to reject and the protection we seek to safe guide our emotions. But most of all the unconditional love we carry for ourselves and people around us. Your thinking process is energetic energy. Your mind is efficient and productive and allows you to decide how your mental health is feeling. We all have mental health, even if we deny it or don’t even realise it. It’s part of who we are as people and to people. So look after others, as you would like to be compassionately looked after, as there is only one of THEM and only one of “YOU”. Make each energy signal you send, from you mind into the world count, even in the most difficult of times, your beautiful energy is even more impactful not just to yourself but to the world.
Make your thoughts impact a nation, but keep them true and honest, especially to yourself.
Continue to be kind to one another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth.
Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜