Alvin Kean Wong - Photographer & Director based in New York - S3 #098
In this episode of the Us People Podcast. Alvin Kean Wong – Fashion Photographer & Director and I have a good vibes only conversation when we talk about:
Alvin saying, "good people find good people" and why
Him growing up in Singapore and him having a safe and beautiful up bringing
Photography and where he started
Techniques Everyone uses on set for a shoot {Make up / Hair Styling / Photography / Lighting}
Him being super competitive and why
What has been his best photo shoot to this point and why
How you can help people, but you should not always expect hand outs
Starting from the bottom and working your way to the top
Fashion & Commercial photography being a team game
Finding something that you connect with and working on it
Stepping up to be a good human being and why it is important
What it is like to be on set with beautiful people {Working together}
Where you can find all of us and so much more
{Thank You So much, Alvin for being a guest, and showing us that real is real, and that working from the bottom you can reach the top and remember who you are}
Instagram: @alvinkeanwong
“Real People Attract Real People, Because Everything In The World Is Energy”
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