Joy Langley - Author - Coach - Speaker & Psychotherapist - S3 #110
In this episode of the Us People Podcast. Joy Langley - Author - Coach - Speaker & Psychotherapist and I have a valuable conversation when we talk about:
Coming on the Us People Podcast for the second time and how it made Joy feel
Business Life & Personal Life and how it has had Joy on the go
Things changing a lot in her personal life as people have passed away and have brought challenging times
Welcome Joy's new book Navigating Stress into the world
What writing the book was like for Joy, and the pressure it brings and it being such a huge achievement
Joy believes that everyone does have a book inside them, and being able to write a book is like having a conversation
Understanding where stress comes from and why we as people get stressed, but also the cycle of your individual stress patterns
Finding a way to manage your stress response and calming your body down
When you think something, you feel something, when your feel something, you do something - {The Tea cycle} T - Thoughts - E - Emotions - A - Actions and so much more
{Thank You So much, Joy, for being a guest, and showing us how to deal with stress in a better way to make us feel better about our daily lives}
“Keep Drinking Positive Energy In Your Body To Get Things Done, In The Way, You Intend Them To Be Done”
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