Elise Brenner Mindfulness Practitioner and Teacher - Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health & Nancy Spatz - Reiki Master Teacher - S3 #126
In this episode of the Us People Podcast. Elise Brenner - Mindfulness Practitioner and Teacher and Nancy Spatz - Reiki Master Teacher and both the Authors of - Reiki: A Self Practice to Live in Peace with Self and Others. We have a chance to find our peace and talk about:
The world and the events that are happening that are changing the world and how people feel
Where Nancy and Elise were both brought up
Mindfulness and how it helps you in your life to find peace
Nancy Spatz, MD, Reiki Master Teacher, graduated from Boston University School of Medicine in 1990
Elise Brenner (Pronouns: she/her), PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health at Simmons University in Boston and is an instructor in the Department of Anthropology at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
I ask them both - Does your mind define who you are? Do your feelings define who you are?
We talk about your book: Reiki is beneficial for general wellness as well as for relief from specific physical and mental-emotional health conditions.
We talk about Reiki Healing, clients are encouraged to lean into their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences with caring curiosity and self-awareness.
Finding the alternate peace within yourself and so much more
{Thank You So much, Elise & Nancy, for being a peaceful space for honesty and healing}
Website: reikiliveinpeace.com
“Peace must always come from within, that way it will be, honest true and release its healing powers ”
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