Chima Anya - Musician - Doctor - Hip Hop Artist - S3 #130
In this episode of the Us People Podcast. Chima Anya - Musician - Doctor - Hip Hop Artist have a chance to get to talk about our education and music vibe plus:
His mix of cultures and how this made his mindset open to different cultures.
His father being from Nigeria and installing education into him.
What being a doctor is really like and how people, misread him because of how he looks.
Being grateful for the education that he has had and how education is now
Listening to a professional doctor who has spent decades researching what is good for your health, these are doctors you need to spend time with.
Constantly having to update ourselves as things and education is always changing
How music plays a huge part in his life and where his inspiration comes from to be a doctor and do music
Spending time doing what other people wanted him to do, but realising is he being true to himself
{Thank You So much, Chima, for being true to yourself and not following the trend}
Instagram: @drchimaanya
“Spend time being true to yourself, only then will you understand, how your life is meant to be for yourself”
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