Y? (Yogi Guyadin) Founder & Director of Programs at Creative Expressions - Artivist & Educator 0 S3 #136
In this episode of the us people podcast, Savia gets to speak to Y? (Yogi Guyadin) Founder and Director of Programs at Creative Expressions - Artivist and Educator - When we embrace the spiritual plane and talk about life and our existence.
* Acknowledging his roots, and where his culture, origin, and source of who he is.
* His family taught him the importance of reading and writing but most of all expression
* Noticing that he did not fit, just at one table, and seeing the opportunity to sit at many tables
* His mother always reminds him to be open-minded and treat people with etiquette and respect
* Imagination being more important than knowledge {Someone having to think of something before it became reality}
* Creative ideas being a form of expression
* Developing his left brain energy
* We talk about funding, grants, how to build up and create a foundation so that people can help fund your creativity and so much more.
Thank you so much, Y? for being an energy that is simplified with positivity and creativity. {We connected beautifully}
Website: creativeexpressions.co
“Knowing how to find the simplicity of one’s mind, one must be completely comfortable in one’s own skin”
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