Kathleen Ready Rayan - Author - Medium - Former Lawyer - S4 #178
In this episode of the Us People Podcast, Savia speaks to the wonderful and calming Kathleen Ready Rayan - Author - Medium - Former Lawyer who discusses beautifully and frankly many spiritual topics.
In this one, we discuss:
* Her formation years, overcoming addiction and emerging on the other side a better person
* The difficulties and necessity of forgiveness to the those who have wronged us
* The meaning behind her book
* Her experiences as a medium
* The spiritual journey she has embarked on through her life with her husband
* And a surprising chat about rock bands Incubus and Foo Fighters
Thank you so much Kathleen for taking the time to come on the Us People Podcast, for speaking so calmly and humbly and for your enlightening views on spirituality, life and wider world as a whole.
Website Books: https://www.kathleenreadydayan.com/
“Like a rare jewel, experience reveals the multifaceted beauty hidden within”
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