Find Your Way Home

There are people who often leave breadcrumbs as a trail to find their way home. There are people who leave distinctive marks in areas that only they will see, to keep track of there surroundings.

There are people, who use directions of an old school map, or people who are more into technology these days who use their phone as a guide, to guide them from destination to destination. Helping them to complete their journey.

Now finding your way home, or in the terms that I’m trying to say is finding your way home of where you feel you belong in the world. Belong in this world, is something that we all crave to find, and it’s kind of like finding your destiny in a way.

We go through bittersweet times, and constantly comparing ourselves, to the environment around us. We place barriers in front of ourselves because of our self doubts. We imagine the unimaginable and yet after all of that. {Guess what} most of us will still come out on the other side, standing stronger.

In order to find your way home, you need to constantly ask questions uncomfortable ones, ones that make you feel woozy inside, ones that challenged the substance of who you are as an individual, with anxiety and tension, to make you strong and wise enough, to want to ask those difficult questions, not just for other people but for yourself and finding out who you are.

Remember never be afraid, of a pathway you can’t see, embrace the walkway as a creative link and journey to your freedom of truth.

Never undermined your ability to find your way home, because there is a home waiting for everyone, that will have the answers your waiting for, and if there is no answer that is the answer. Sometimes looking for an answer, that is not there will only create the anxiety you do not need for yourself sooo… Let it go.

Continue to be kind to one another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth.

Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜

Savia Rocks

Savia Rocks - Professional Photographer -

We write our own story.


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