We all have gifts….

Do you believe that we had the opportunity to ask for our gifts before even existed on the planet?

It’s a controversial question but with so many Controversial answers.

I believe, there is no correct answer but only the answer of what you choose to believe, for yourself and your own prospective.

Do the gifted people in the world work hard or do they work smart? I foresee this being a combination, of organisation, consistency, passion and determination. With a touch of what people believed to exist called luck.

The great thing about finding your gifts, is that you have the chance to nurture them, every single day, in every single way that you choose positively possible to.

Without the constant discernment from individuals who have not had the chance to find there talent.

Have you ever noticed, a person who criticises you, Is the one that doesn’t have your measurable talent at all, in most cases.

Have you ever noticed that the person who talks about you, to lower your self-esteem, is the one that has most probably, no self-esteem in the first place, yet hides behind the surface of questionable ego, jealousy and abundant pride.

A person who is happy in their heart genuinely, Will always wish you to be happy genuinely in your heart. To have a talent is to have a nurtured humble creative gift, Which is constantly in progression to be excelled in.

I believe that everyone has a gift for something even if the gift is being a good friend, wife, husband or even stranger. Even having a problem as a gift because without problems how would we learn to grow consistently within ourselves.

Use your 86,400 seconds of today to find time to say thank you, for the gifts you have, blink and it is gone. Take a chance to savour, all the best moments and see them as a privilege in your life that others might not have the chance to see, but also learn from the indescribable lesson of life, that can help set you free.

Continue to be kind to one another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth. Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜

Savia Rocks

Savia Rocks - Professional Photographer - www.savia.rocks


What is education


We write our own story.