What is education

An educational substance that one’s mind absorbs every day.

Education is definitely not just learning in the classroom, sometimes it’s not even learnt in the classroom, at all. To some people, it is more learnt outside in our daily Adventures of our lifestyle and what we Constantly have to battle through.

The Streets educate you, A stranger educates you, work educates you, Your home environment educates you, Being the giver of life educates, being creative educates you, but living life should inspire the education in you.

Have you ever noticed, that when we are young, our brain is like an everlasting absorbing sponge.

Soaking everything it sees and hears as an abundance of bittersweet fruits of self-confidence and education to one’s soul. Education is sincerely and definitely a passport to the future, your own future, which helps you to embrace tomorrows vessels of heightened tolerance of the gifts of educated power.

Beautification of your inner mind is your outer mind extremely expressing gratitude for its existence, and what is has come to learn. I believe one of the most powerful freedoms is one learning and receiving from another.

The purpose of education is not for you or me to judge. The inner purpose of secure attention within the atmosphere is for us to cherish, every moment that we have a chance to learn, without even realising that it has been absorbed within our minds, and processed to a memory within our mindset.

Education should not be to limit us, but to scripture an existence, of who we are and want to become.

REMEMBER education is life itself. {Live your life creatively} .

Continue to be kind to one another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth.

Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜

Savia Rocks

Savia Rocks - Professional Photographer - www.savia.rocks


Be Comfortable In Your Own Skin


We all have gifts….