Who Is The Real You?

Who is the real you?

This must be, one of the hardest questions to answer.

“Who is the real you”?

Every day we are changing as people and this is because of the circumstances on how people treat us, how we treat people but most of all, how organisations that we work in treat US.

My favourite saying is how we treat people is a reflection of ourselves.

But most of the time, people don’t like to see their reflection. And concentrate on other things to suppress the truth. The truth is never a bad thing if you’re willing to accept it and come out from the denial, of what truth is and how it can help you.

Nobody is perfect, and perfection is in the eye of the beholder, but how can you be the eye of the beholder, if you are always In denial of the truth, and afraid to look in the mirror at the reflection of yourself and accept the truth of what you can see.

How you see your reflection, in the mirror, can tell you so many things, the mirror shows you every day, how you are changing from younger to older, how you are getting wiser, how much you struggle with yourself, but most of all how much you should love yourself, without having to find clarification from somebody else.

To be honest with you, the only person who really suffers from not telling themselves the truth is YOURSELF.

Karma doesn’t miss anybody, and we are not always there to someone else’s karma, but karma always comes back on each and everyone of us, so if you would like to have good karma, I suggest you treat people in the goodness of how you would like to be treated, and may it come from the gratitude of your heart.

The most beautiful thing about life, and finding out who you are, is going on new journeys, leaving something behind that you love, to do something even more so that you would appreciate and that people would appreciate you too.

Always remember to appreciate yourself, as much as you should appreciate others, because one day you might lose the best person that you have ever met, and somebody else would appreciate them, a lot more than you did, so if you have a chance in your life to appreciate people, while they’re in front of you give them all the gratitude and love that you know that you deserve from somebody else too.

Remember the people who smile the most bear the most pain.

Continue to be kind to one another & Keep Saving the Planet Earth.

Savia Rocks 🙌✨💜

Savia Rocks

Savia Rocks - Professional Photographer - www.savia.rocks


Choose Your Truth

